#include // Bluetooth #include // Bluetooth #include #include "icons.cpp" // icons #include // Library for writing in the memory // MAC address of EEG headset device String MAC_ADDRESS = "98:07:2d:7f:ea:15"; // store screen mode and brightness in the memory of the Core Preferences preferences; const char* key1 = "screenMode"; const char* key2 = "brightness"; // UART communication variables #define RX_PIN 19 #define TX_PIN 27 String stringReceived = ""; int valueReceived = 0; // GUI variables int brightnessValues[4] = {2500, 2750, 2900, 3150}; int brightnessValue; ButtonColors noDraw = { NODRAW, NODRAW, NODRAW }; Button screenModeButton(0, 190, 50, 50, false, "", noDraw); Button brightnessButton(65, 190, 50, 50, false, "", noDraw); Button restartButton(200, 191, 45, 50, false, "", noDraw); Button powerOffButton(260, 186, 55, 55, false, "", noDraw); boolean buttonPressed = false; boolean connectingBluetooth = true; enum screenMode {DARK, LIGHT}; screenMode COLOR_MODE; boolean setupGUI = false; uint16_t COLORS[2] = {WHITE, BLACK}; // Bluetooth Serial, variables #define BT_DISCOVER_TIME 10000 #define BAUDRATE 115200 BluetoothSerial SerialBT; esp_spp_sec_t sec_mask=ESP_SPP_SEC_NONE; esp_spp_role_t role=ESP_SPP_ROLE_SLAVE; boolean isConnected = false; boolean wasConnected = false; // checksum variables byte generatedChecksum = 0; byte checksum = 0; int payloadLength = 0; byte payloadData[64] = {0}; boolean bigPacket = false; // EEG variables byte poorQuality = 0; byte attention = 0; byte meditation = 0; short raw; uint32_t eegPower[8]; // battery level variables float batVoltage; float batPercentage; // Multi threading TaskHandle_t TaskHandle_1; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// // Microprocessor Setup // ////////////////////////// void setup(){ Serial.begin(BAUDRATE); Serial2.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RX_PIN, TX_PIN); // UART communication preferences.begin("Key"); if (preferences.getUInt(key1) == 0) { COLOR_MODE = DARK; } else { COLOR_MODE = LIGHT; } M5.begin(); M5.Axp.SetLcdVoltage(3150); // Set initial brightness xTaskCreate(task1, "task1", 4096, NULL, 1, &TaskHandle_1); M5.Axp.SetLcdVoltage(brightnessValues[preferences.getUInt(key2)]); // Set initial brightness screenModeButton.addHandler(screenModeHandler, E_TOUCH); brightnessButton.addHandler(brightnessHandler, E_TOUCH); restartButton.addHandler(restartHandler, E_TOUCH); powerOffButton.addHandler(powerOffHandler, E_TOUCH); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// // Main loop // /////////////// void loop() { if (!isConnected) { drawBluetoothConnecting(); connectBluetooth(); } if (!setupGUI && isConnected) { setupGUI = true; drawGui(); } M5.update(); // read value from UART if(Serial2.available()){ char c = Serial2.read(); stringReceived += c; if (stringReceived.length() == 1) { valueReceived = stringReceived.toInt(); stringReceived = ""; } else { stringReceived = ""; } } if (!SerialBT.isClosed() && SerialBT.connected()) { if ((readOneByte() == 170) && readOneByte() == 170) { payloadLength = readOneByte(); if (payloadLength > 169) // Payload length can not be greater than 169 return; generatedChecksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < payloadLength; i++) { payloadData[i] = readOneByte(); // Read payload into memory generatedChecksum += payloadData[i]; } checksum = readOneByte(); // Read checksum byte from stream generatedChecksum = 255 - generatedChecksum; if(checksum == generatedChecksum) { for(int i = 0; i < payloadLength; i++) { // Parse the payload switch (payloadData[i]) { case 2: i++; poorQuality = payloadData[i]; bigPacket = true; break; case 4: i++; attention = payloadData[i]; break; case 5: i++; meditation = payloadData[i]; break; case 0x80: i++; raw = (payloadData[i++] << 8) | payloadData[i++]; break; case 0x83: for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { uint8_t a,b,c; a = payloadData[++i]; b = payloadData[++i]; c = payloadData[++i]; eegPower[j] = ((uint32_t)a << 16) | ((uint32_t)b << 8) | (uint32_t)c; } break; default: break; } } if(bigPacket) { updatePoorQuality(); updateMeditation(); updateAttention(); // UART OUTPUT switch (valueReceived) { case 0: break; case 1: Serial2.printf("%3d", attention); break; case 2: Serial2.printf("%3d", attention); break; case 3: Serial2.printf("%3d", poorQuality); break; case 4: Serial2.printf("%+8d", raw); break; } // SERIAL OUTPUT Serial.print("Attention: "); Serial.print(attention); Serial.print("\n"); Serial.print("Poor quality: "); Serial.print(poorQuality); Serial.print("\n"); Serial.print("Meditation: "); Serial.print(meditation); Serial.print("\n"); Serial.print("Raw: "); Serial.print(raw); Serial.print("\n"); Serial.print("EEG POWER: "); Serial.print(String(eegPower[0]) + ", " + String(eegPower[1]) + ", " + String(eegPower[2]) + ", " + eegPower[3] + ", " + eegPower[4] + ", " + eegPower[5] + ", " + eegPower[6] + ", " + eegPower[7]); Serial.print("\n"); } bigPacket = false; } } } else { drawBluetoothFailed(); delay(5000); if (wasConnected) { M5.shutdown(1); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////// // Task 1 for blinking while connecting // ////////////////////////////////////////// void task1(void *pvParameters) { while (1) { delay(500); if (connectingBluetooth) { bluetoothBlinking(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// // Bluetooth connection // ////////////////////////// void connectBluetooth() { connectingBluetooth = true; if(! SerialBT.begin("ESP32test", true) ) { Serial.println("========== serialBT failed!"); } Serial.println("Starting discoverAsync..."); BTScanResults* btDeviceList = SerialBT.getScanResults(); if (SerialBT.discoverAsync([](BTAdvertisedDevice* pDevice) { Serial.printf(">>>>>>>>>>>Found a new device asynchronously: %s\n", pDevice->toString().c_str()); } ) ) { delay(BT_DISCOVER_TIME); Serial.print("Stopping discoverAsync... "); SerialBT.discoverAsyncStop(); Serial.println("discoverAsync stopped"); delay(5000); if(btDeviceList->getCount() > 0) { BTAddress addr; int channel=0; Serial.println("Found devices:"); for (int i=0; i < btDeviceList->getCount(); i++) { BTAdvertisedDevice *device=btDeviceList->getDevice(i); if (String(device->getAddress().toString().c_str()) == MAC_ADDRESS) { Serial.printf(" ----- %s %s %d\n", device->getAddress().toString().c_str(), device->getName().c_str(), device->getRSSI()); std::map channels=SerialBT.getChannels(device->getAddress()); Serial.printf("scanned for services, found %d\n", channels.size()); for(auto const &entry : channels) { Serial.printf(" channel %d (%s)\n", entry.first, entry.second.c_str()); } if(channels.size() > 0) { addr = device->getAddress(); channel=channels.begin()->first; } } } if(addr) { Serial.printf("connecting to %s - %d\n", addr.toString().c_str(), channel); SerialBT.connect(addr, channel, sec_mask, role); isConnected = true; wasConnected = true; } } else { Serial.println("Didn't find any devices"); } } else { Serial.println("Error on discoverAsync f.e. not workin after a \"connect\""); } connectingBluetooth = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Read one byte from Serial Bluetooth // ///////////////////////////////////////// byte readOneByte() { int ByteRead; if(! SerialBT.isClosed() && SerialBT.connected()) { ByteRead = SerialBT.read(); return ByteRead; } else { Serial.println("not connected"); } } /////////////////// // GUI functions // /////////////////// void drawGui() { M5.Lcd.clear(); M5.Lcd.fillScreen((COLORS[COLOR_MODE] - 1) % 2); M5.Lcd.setTextColor(COLORS[COLOR_MODE]); // HEADER updatePoorQuality(); if (COLOR_MODE == DARK) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(240, 5, 30, 50, (uint16_t *)bluetoothDark); } else { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(240, 5, 30, 50, (uint16_t *)bluetoothLight); } drawBattery(); M5.Lcd.drawLine(0, 60, 320, 60, COLORS[COLOR_MODE]); // BODY M5.Lcd.drawString("Attention", 20, 80, 4); M5.Lcd.drawString("Meditation", 160, 80, 4); updateMeditation(); updateAttention(); // BOTTOM M5.Lcd.drawLine(0, 180, 320, 180, COLORS[COLOR_MODE]); screenModeButton.draw(); if (COLOR_MODE == DARK) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(0, 191, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)modeSwitchDark); M5.lcd.drawBitmap(65, 191, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)brightness_white); M5.lcd.drawBitmap(200, 191, 45, 50, (uint16_t *)restart_white); M5.lcd.drawBitmap(260, 186, 55, 55, (uint16_t *)power_off_white); } else { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(0, 191, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)modeSwitchLight); M5.lcd.drawBitmap(65, 191, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)brightness); M5.lcd.drawBitmap(200, 191, 45, 50, (uint16_t *)restart); M5.lcd.drawBitmap(260, 186, 55, 55, (uint16_t *)power_off); } } void drawBluetoothConnecting() { M5.Lcd.clear(); M5.Lcd.fillScreen((COLORS[COLOR_MODE] - 1) % 2); M5.Lcd.setTextColor(COLORS[COLOR_MODE]); M5.Lcd.drawLine(0, 60, 320, 60, COLORS[COLOR_MODE]); M5.lcd.fillRect(0, 65, 320, 110, (COLORS[COLOR_MODE] - 1) % 2); M5.Lcd.drawString("connecting Bluetooth", 35, 110, 4); M5.Lcd.drawLine(0, 180, 320, 180, COLORS[COLOR_MODE]); drawBattery(); } void drawBluetoothFailed() { M5.lcd.fillRect(0, 65, 320, 110, (COLORS[COLOR_MODE] - 1) % 2); if (wasConnected) { M5.lcd.fillRect(0, 0, 150, 60, (COLORS[COLOR_MODE] - 1) % 2); M5.lcd.fillRect(0, 185, 320, 240, (COLORS[COLOR_MODE] - 1) % 2); M5.lcd.fillRect(0, 185, 320, 240, (COLORS[COLOR_MODE] - 1) % 2); M5.Lcd.drawString("Bluetooth: disconnected", 20, 110, 4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // thicker line M5.lcd.drawLine(240 + i, 55, 270 + i, 5, RED); } } else { M5.Lcd.drawString("connecting failed", 50, 110, 4); } } void bluetoothBlinking() { while (connectingBluetooth) { if (COLOR_MODE == DARK) { M5.lcd.fillRect(240, 5, 35, 51, BLACK); delay(500); drawBattery(); M5.lcd.drawBitmap(240, 5, 30, 50, (uint16_t *)bluetoothDark); delay(500); } else { M5.lcd.fillRect(240, 5, 35, 51, WHITE); delay(500); drawBattery(); M5.lcd.drawBitmap(240, 5, 30, 50, (uint16_t *)bluetoothLight); delay(500); } } if (!isConnected) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { M5.lcd.drawLine(240 + i, 55, 270 + i, 5, RED); } } } void updatePoorQuality() { if (COLOR_MODE == DARK) { M5.lcd.fillRect(0, 0, 110, 59, BLACK); M5.Lcd.drawString(String(poorQuality), 60, 20, 4); if (poorQuality < 50) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(5, 5, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)signal_white_3_3); } else if ((50 < poorQuality) && (poorQuality < 150)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(5, 5, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)signal_white_2_3); } else if ((poorQuality == 200) || (poorQuality > 230)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(5, 5, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)signal_white_0_3); } else { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(5, 5, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)signal_white_1_3); } } else { M5.lcd.fillRect(0, 0, 110, 59, WHITE); M5.Lcd.drawString(String(poorQuality), 60, 20, 4); if (poorQuality < 50) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(5, 5, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)signal_3_3); } else if ((50 < poorQuality) && (poorQuality < 150)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(5, 5, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)signal_2_3); } else if ((poorQuality == 200) || (poorQuality > 230)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(5, 5, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)signal_0_3); } else { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(5, 5, 50, 50, (uint16_t *)signal_1_3); } } if (poorQuality == 200) { // if headset not connected to person for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // thicker line M5.lcd.drawLine(5 + i, 55, 55 + i, 5, RED); } } } void updateAttention() { int x = 60 - ((countDigit(attention) - 1) * 5); if (COLOR_MODE == DARK) { M5.lcd.fillRect(x - 10, 130, 60, 40, BLACK); M5.Lcd.drawString(String(attention), x, 130, 4); } else { M5.lcd.fillRect(x - 10, 130, 60, 40, WHITE); M5.Lcd.drawString(String(attention), x, 130, 4); } } void updateMeditation() { int x = 210 - ((countDigit(meditation) - 1) * 5); if (COLOR_MODE == DARK) { M5.lcd.fillRect(x - 10, 130, 60, 40, BLACK); M5.Lcd.drawString(String(meditation), x, 130, 4); } else { M5.lcd.fillRect(x - 10, 130, 60, 40, WHITE); M5.Lcd.drawString(String(meditation), x, 130, 4); } } void drawBattery() { batVoltage = M5.Axp.GetBatVoltage(); batPercentage = (batVoltage < 3.2) ? 0 : (batVoltage - 3.2) * 100; if (COLOR_MODE == DARK) { if (M5.Axp.isCharging()) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryCharging_white); } else { if (batPercentage > 90) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus4_white); } else if ((90 > batPercentage) && (batPercentage > 60)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus3_white); } else if ((60 > batPercentage) && (batPercentage > 20)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus2_white); } else if ((20 > batPercentage) && (batPercentage > 10)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus1_white); } else { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus0_white); } } } else { if (M5.Axp.isCharging()) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryCharging); } else { if (batPercentage > 90) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus4); } else if ((90 > batPercentage) && (batPercentage > 60)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus3); } else if ((60 > batPercentage) && (batPercentage > 20)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus2); } else if ((20 > batPercentage) && (batPercentage > 10)) { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus1); } else { M5.lcd.drawBitmap(280, 5, 32, 50, (uint16_t *) batteryStatus0); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// // Button handlers // ///////////////////// void screenModeHandler(Event &e) { M5.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, true); delay(125); M5.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, false); if (COLOR_MODE == DARK) { COLOR_MODE = LIGHT; preferences.putUInt(key1, 1); } else { COLOR_MODE = DARK; preferences.putUInt(key1, 0); } buttonPressed = true; drawGui(); } void brightnessHandler(Event &e) { M5.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, true); delay(125); M5.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, false); switch (preferences.getUInt(key2)) { case 0: preferences.putUInt(key2, 1); break; case 1: preferences.putUInt(key2, 2); break; case 2: preferences.putUInt(key2, 3); break; case 3: preferences.putUInt(key2, 0); break; } M5.Axp.SetLcdVoltage(brightnessValues[preferences.getUInt(key2)]); } void restartHandler(Event& e) { M5.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, true); delay(250); M5.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, false); M5.shutdown(1); } void powerOffHandler(Event& e) { M5.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, true); delay(500); M5.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, false); M5.shutdown(); } int countDigit(int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; int count = 0; while (n != 0) { n = n / 10; ++count; } return count; }