import axios from "axios"; import { UrlPool } from "./urlpool"; export class Downloader { pool: UrlPool; chunks: {[U: string]: (Buffer | null)} = {}; cache_size = 15; loading: boolean = false; destroyed: boolean = false; start_position: number; sent_position: number; current_position: number; constructor(pool: UrlPool, start_position: number) { this.pool = pool; this.start_position = start_position; this.sent_position = start_position; this.current_position = start_position; console.log(, "| new downloader", start_position, "/", pool.total_size); } collect() { let collected: Buffer[] = []; while(true) { let id = this.sent_position.toString(); let c = this.chunks[id]; if(!c) break; this.sent_position += c.length; collected.push(c); delete this.chunks[id]; } if(collected.length) return Buffer.concat(collected); return null; } cache() { if(this.current_position - this.sent_position > this.cache_size*1024*1024) return; for(let i=0; i { if(this.loading) return false; this.loading = true; if(this.sent_position > this.pool.total_size-1) return null; this.cache(); let promise: Promise = new Promise((resolve) => { let wait_for_result = () => { let result = this.collect(); if(result || this.destroyed) { this.loading = false; resolve(result); clearInterval(interval); if(result) console.log(, "| sending", Math.round(result.length/1024), "kB"); } }; let interval = setInterval(wait_for_result, 1000); wait_for_result(); }); return promise; } async download_next(bytes: number) { if(this.destroyed) return; let to = this.current_position + bytes; if(to > this.pool.total_size-1) to = this.pool.total_size-1; let from = this.current_position; this.current_position = to+1; this.download_part(from, to); } async download_part(from: number, to: number) { if(to > this.pool.total_size-1) to = this.pool.total_size-1; if(from > this.pool.total_size-1) return; let url = await this.pool.get(); if(!url) throw "No available URL!"; if(this.destroyed) { this.pool.return(url[0]); return; } let controller = new AbortController(); let tmo = setTimeout(() => { console.log(, "| took so long"); controller.abort(); }, 10000); try { let r = await axios.get(url[1], { responseType: 'arraybuffer', headers: { Range: `bytes=${from}-${to}` }, signal: controller.signal }); this.chunks[from.toString()] =; } catch(e) { clearTimeout(tmo); console.log(, "| failed, retrying"); setTimeout(() => { this.download_part(from, to); this.pool.return(url![0], false); }, 2000); return; } clearTimeout(tmo); this.pool.return(url[0]); } destroy() { this.destroyed = true; let index = this.pool.downloaders.indexOf(this); this.pool.downloaders.splice(index, 1); console.log(, "| destroyed downloader", this.start_position, "/", this.pool.total_size); } }